San Felipe, The Jewel of the Sea of Cortes
March 15, 2021
10 Things You Should Do When Visiting San Quintin
March 15, 2021Fishing in San Felipe Is an Adventure of a Lifetime
Get your fishing rod ready and visit San Felipe ASAP.

While walking in San Felipe’s waterfront boardwalk, you will find plenty of fishermen offering their “Panga” (small boat for a fishing trip) services. They will schedule these charter fishing trips for the next day since the best time to go saltwater fishing is early morning, between the hours of 6 AM and 7 AM.
Time flies in these six-hour fishing trips because it is quite easy to find fish. Although the best season for sport fishing is between the months of December and March, there is still fun and adrenaline throughout the year, so get your fishing pole ready!
Some of the types of gamefish you can catch are comber, flag cabrilla, blunthead triggerfish, grouper, catfish, white snook, corvina, sole, Pacific sierra, among other delicious species.
No fishing experience? Don’t worry! Pangueros or fishing trip guides are ready to assist you and give you direction. Besides earning a tip for their help, Pangueros also offer additional services such as supplying fishing rods, coolers and bait, and cleaning and filleting your catch.
Don’t miss out on this fishing experience on your next trip to San Felipe, plus you will have the opportunity to try the tastiest and freshest seafood from Sea of Cortes that you caught.
For more information: call 011 52 (686) 577-1155, or 011 52 (686) 577-1865